Hannah Keyes Blog 2

I expected the work to be difficult, and I was not wrong. There’s a lot of back breaking work that leaves my body sore by the end of the day, but it has been a lot of fun so far. I’ve talked to people whom I don’t usually talk to, and I’ve become closer to some of my friends. I have also learned more about the devastation that hurricane Katrina has had on New Orleans, specifically in the lower ninth ward. I liked the tour because I was able to see the different neighborhoods. The garden district was beautiful and the touristy areas were very nice. But I’m glad that we were also shown the ninth ward and areas that have not been sufficiently repaired since the hurricane. The most surprising part so far has been that painting is actually a very difficult and tiring job. By the end of the trip I hope to learn more skills while working on the house beyond painting skills. And I would also like to become closer to even more Bonners and chaperones


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