Kayla Taylor Blog 1

Initial hopes for the trip to New Orleans is to learn about the city overall as well as develop a deeper comprehension of the effects of Hurricane Katrina that affect the locals to this day. I also hope that first year Bonners will get to bond more as we spend more time together through the drive and the service that will be completed together. I know that New Orleans is a melting pot of cultures that proudly display/celebrate their culture. The city is also the birthplace of jazz and many dishes such as gumbo. During service there, I hope to further advance my knowledge on the city as well as experience the culture (music, monuments, food, etc.), as well as to complete the houses we are assigned to build! Overall, I hope that first years, as a group, construct a deeper bond with one another as we complete the service task at hand and gain a better understanding of the city of New Orleans as a whole.


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